
How To Find Lower Class Boundary

In a frequency distribution, class boundaries are the values that separate the classes.

We employ the post-obit steps to calculate the grade boundaries in a frequency distribution:

1.Subtract the upper course limit for the first class from the lower course limit for the 2d form.

2. Carve up the result by two.

3.Subtract the result from the lower class limit and add together the result to the the upper class limit for each class.

The following examples show how to employ these steps in do to calculate class boundaries in a frequency distribution.

Example 1: Calculating Course Boundaries

Suppose we have the following frequency distribution that represents the number of wins past various basketball teams:

Use the post-obit steps to calculate the class boundaries:

1.Subtract the upper class limit for the showtime form from the lower grade limit for the second class.

The upper course limit for the outset class is 30 and the lower form limit for the second form is 31. Thus, we get: 31 – 30 = 1.

2. Divide the issue by two.

Side by side, we divide the upshot by 2. So, nosotros get one/2 = 0.five.

3.Subtract the issue from the lower form limit and add the result to the the upper class limit for each course.

Lastly, nosotros subtract 0.5 from the lower class limit and add together 0.5 to the upper class limit for each class:

How to find class boundaries

We translate the results as follows:

  • The kickoff class has a lower class purlieus of 25.v and an upper class boundary of 30.5.
  • The second class has a lower class boundary of 30.5 and an upper grade boundary of 35.5.
  • The third grade has a lower class boundary of 35.5 and an upper class boundary of 40.5.

And so on.

Example 2: Calculating Course Boundaries

Suppose we have the following frequency distribution:

Use the following steps to calculate the grade boundaries:

one.Subtract the upper grade limit for the outset grade from the lower course limit for the second class.

The upper class limit for the first form is 60.9 and the lower class limit for the 2d class is 61. Thus, nosotros get: 61 – sixty.ix = 0.i.

Example of calculating class boundaries

2. Carve up the effect past two.

Next, we divide the event by 2. So, we go 0.1/2 = 0.05.

3.Subtract the result from the lower class limit and add together the consequence to the the upper form limit for each class.

Lastly, we subtract 0.05 from the lower grade limit and add 0.05 to the upper class limit for each class:

Class boundaries of a frequency distribution

We translate the results every bit follows:

  • The kickoff class has a lower class boundary of 55.95 and an upper grade boundary of sixty.95.
  • The second class has a lower course purlieus of 60.95 and an upper course purlieus of 65.95.
  • The third class has a lower class boundary of 65.95 and an upper class boundary of seventy.95.

And so on.

Additional Resources

How to Find Class Midpoints
How to Find Class Limits
How to Observe Class Intervals
Class Width Calculator
How to Calculate Class Width in Excel


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